Welcome to my small corner of the internet. My name is Nikos, and I am fascinated by Gravitational Wave physics. In particular I am really interested in searching for Gravitational-Wave signals buried in the instrumental noise.

Right now I am located at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), working on data analysis algorithms for the future ESA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission.

Nikos in 2022

My story

I began my studies at the National Technical University of Athens, and in particular at the school of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences. From the start I was drawn to data analysis and in particular to stochastic algorithms for parameter estimation. I had the chance to utilize my skills during my PhD at the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, where I worked on the preparation of the data analysis for the ESA LISA Pathfinder mission (LPF). During my first post-doc at the AEI-Hannover, I had the privilege of participating in the mission operations, by analyzing real-time data, and designing experiments to be performed on-board the satellite. Following the astounding success of LPF, and during my time at the APC in Paris, I turned to the future space-based Gravitational-Wave observatory, the ESA LISA mission. Since then, I have been focusing on simulation, data analysis, and the characterization of stochastic Gravitational-Wave signals with LISA. Currently, I am based at the AUTh, where I am developing a prototype data analysis pipeline for the mission, funded by the ESA Prodex program. Funded by the MSCA, I am also working on building data analysis pipelines that will anable us to perform multi-messenger Astronomy, which is to capture the same event using both E/M and GW radiation! Recently I was elected in to the governing board of the Hellenic Society on Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology, and was invited to the Fundamental Physics Panel of the European Space Sciences Committee (ESSC).